Tamil Syllabus


Paper I

Answers must be written in Tamil

Section A
Part 1: History of Tamil Language
  • Major Indian Language Families—The place of Tamil among Indian Languages in general and Dravidian in particular—Enumeration and Distribution of Dravidian languages. The language of Sangam Literature—The language of medieval Tamil : Pallava Period only—Historical study of Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs—Tense markers and case markers in Tamil. Borrowing of words from other languages into Tamil—Regional and social dialects—difference between literary and spoken Tamil.
Part 2 : History of Tamil Literature
  • Tolkappiyam-Sangam Literature—The division of Akam and Puram—The secular characteristics of Sangam Literature—The development of Ethical literature—Silappadikaram and Manimekalai.
Part 3 : Devotional Literature (Alwars and Nayanamars)
  • The bridal mysticism in Alwar hymns—Minor literary forms (Tutu, Ula, Parani, Kuravanji). Social factors for the development of Modern Tamil Literature; Novel, Short Story and New Poetry—The impact of various political ideologies on modern writings.
Section B
Part 1 : Recent trends in Tamil Studies
  • Approaches to criticism : Social, psychological, historical and moralistic—the use of criticism—the various techniques in literature; Ullurai, Iraicchi, Thonmam (Myth) Otturuvagam (allegory), Angadam (Satire), Meyappadu, Padimam (image), Kuriyeedu (Symbol), Irunmai (Ambiguity)—The concept of comparative 118 Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply. literature-the principle of comparative literature.
Part 2 : Folk literature in Tamil
  • Ballads, Songs, proverbs and riddles—Sociological study of Tamil folklore. Uses of translation—Translation of Tamil works into other languages-Development of journalism in Tamil.
Part 3 : Cultural Heritage of the Tamils
  • Concept of Love and War—Concept of Aram-the ethical codes adopted by the ancient Tamils in their warfare-customs beliefs, rituals, modes of worship in the five Thinais. The Cultural changes as revealed in post sangam literature—cultural fusion in the medieval period (Janism and Buddhism). The development of arts and architecture through the ages (Pallavas, later Cholas, and Nayaks). The impact of various political, social, religious and cultural movements on Tamil Society. The role of mass media in the cultural change of contemporary Tamil society.


Answers must be written in Tamil The paper will require first-hand reading of the text prescribed and will be designed to test the critical ability of the candidate.

Section A
Part 1 : Ancient Literature
  • Kuruntokai (1—25 poems)
  • Purananuru (182—200 poems)
  • TirukkuralPorutpal :ArasiyalumAmaichiyalum(from Iraimatchi to Avaianjamai).
Part 2 : Epic Literature
  • Silappadikaram : Madhurai Kandam only.
  • Kambaramayanam : Kumbakarunan Vadhai Padalam.
Part 3 : Devotional Literature
  • Tiruvasagam : Neetthal Vinnappam
  • Tiruppavai : (Full Text).
Section B
Modern Literature
Part 1 :
  • Poetry
    • Bharathiar : Kannan Pattu
    • Bharathidasan : Kudumba Vilakku
    • Naa. Kamarasan : Karappu Malarkal
  • Prose
    • Mu. Varadharajanar : Aramum Arasiyalum
    • C. N. Annadurai : Ye! Thazhntha Tamilagame.
Part 2 :
  • Novel, Short Story and Drama
    • Akilon ; Chittairappavai
    • Jayakanthan : Gurupeedam 119 Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
    • Cho : Yaurkkum Vetkamillai
Part 3 :
  • Folk Literature
    • Muthuppattan kathai Edited by Na. Vanamamalai, (Publication : Madurai Kamaraj University).
    • Malaiyaruvi, Edited by Ki. Va Jagannathan (Publication : Saraswathi Mahal, Thanjavur).

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Once the Civil Services Examination results are announced, the role of the UPSC comes to an end. The responsibility of training IAS or IPS probationers then falls under the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). To fulfil this purpose, the selected candidates are invited to participate in foundation training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) located in Mussoorie. Following the foundation training, those selected for IPS receive training at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Academy of Administration (SVPNPA) in Hyderabad.

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