Odia Syllabus


Paper I

(Answers must be written in Odia)

Section A
History of Odia Language
  • Origin and development of Odia Language—Influence of Austric, Dravidian, Perso— Arabic and English on Odia Language.
  • Phonetics and Phonemics : Vowels, Consonants Principles of changes in Odia sounds.
  • Morphology : Morphemes (free, bound compound and complex), derivational and inflectional affixes, case inflection, conjugation of verb.
  • Syntax : Kinds of sentences and their trans-formation, structure of sentences.
  • Semantics—Different types of change in meaning. Euphemism. 108 Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
  • Common errors in spellings, grammatical uses and construction of sentences.
  • Regional variations in Odia Language (Western, Southern and Northern Odia) and Dialects (Bhatri and Desia).
Section B
History of Odia Literature
  • Historical backgrounds (social, cultural and political) of Odia Literature of different periods.
  • Ancient epics, ornate kavyas and padavalis.
  • Typical structural forms of Odia Literature (Koili, Chautisa, Poi, Chaupadi, Champu).
  • Modern trends in poetry, drama short story, novel essay and literary criticism.


(Answers must be written in Odia) Critical Study of texts— The paper will require first hand reading of the text and test the critical ability of the candidate.

Section A
Poetry (Ancient)
  • Sãralã Dãs—Shanti Parva from Mahãbhãrata.
  • Jaganãth Dãs—Bhãgabata, XI Skadhã—Jadu Avadhuta Sambãda. (Medieval)
  • Dinakrushna Dãs—Raskallola—(Chhãndas—16 & 34)
  • Upendra Bhanja—Lãvanyabati (Chhãndas—1 & 2). (Modern)
  • Rãdhãnath Rãy—Chandrabhãgã.
  • Mãyãdhar Mänasinha—Jeevan—Chitã.
  • Sãtchidananda Routray—Kabitã—1962.
  • Ramãkãnta Ratha—Saptama Ritu.
Section B
Drama :
  • Manoranjan Dãs—Kätha-Ghoda.
  • Bijay Mishra—Tata Niranjanä. Novel :
  • Fakir Mohan Senãpati—Chhamãna Ãthaguntha.
  • Gopinãth Mohãnty—Dãnãpani. Short Story :
  • Surendra Mohãnty—Marãlara Mrityu.
  • Manoj Dãs—Laxmira Abhisãra. 109 Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply. Essay :
  • Chittaranjan Dãs—Tranga O Tadit (First Five essays).
  • Chandra Sekhar Rath—Mun Satyadharmã Kahuchhi (First five essays).

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A civil servant also referred to as a public servant, is an individual who is employed by a government department or agency in the public sector. They serve the government, not a political party, and can be found working for both central and state governments.

In India, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and State Public Service Commission (SPSC) (or GPSC in Gujarat) oversee the selection and appointment process for Civil Services. The civil services at the central level are divided into All India Services, such as IAS and IPS, as well as Central Civil Services Group-A and Group-B.

Civil servants in India are responsible for implementing policies, managing public services, and administering government programs. This is the reason the selection procedure is extremely strict, and to become a civil servant, you are required to have a wealth of knowledge regarding the political conditions, socioeconomic conditions and other pressing matters in the country.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination every year to choose the most qualified candidates for the Central Civil Services, including IAS and IPS, which are classified as All India Services. The exam pattern for all civil services, including IAS and IPS, is the same, and candidates must pass all three stages of the exam: Prelims, Mains, and Interview to be appointed as civil servants.

For IAS or IPS, a candidate must attain a higher rank among all passing candidates to obtain the preferred service. UPSC selects candidates for IAS or IPS based on the merit achieved in the UPSC-CSE. In addition, IPS candidates must meet certain physical criteria to qualify for the service.

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While it is not compulsory for you to join a UPSC/IAS coaching centre, if you want to pass your exam with flying colours, a coaching centre helps you steer your studies in the right direction. It goes without saying that to clear the UPSC exam; you would need to follow a studying structure that might be too complex for you to crack.

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Once the Civil Services Examination results are announced, the role of the UPSC comes to an end. The responsibility of training IAS or IPS probationers then falls under the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). To fulfil this purpose, the selected candidates are invited to participate in foundation training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) located in Mussoorie. Following the foundation training, those selected for IPS receive training at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Academy of Administration (SVPNPA) in Hyderabad.

Once the Civil Services Examination results are announced, the role of the UPSC comes to an end. The responsibility of training IAS or IPS probationers then falls under the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). To fulfil this purpose, the selected candidates are invited to participate in foundation training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) located in Mussoorie. Following the foundation training, those selected for IPS receive training at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Academy of Administration (SVPNPA) in Hyderabad.

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