(Head Office)Address : 506, 3rd EYE THREE (III), Opp. Induben Khakhrawala, Girish Cold Drink Cross Road, CG Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380009.
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E-mail: dics.upsc@gmail.com
News: According to a paper released by the World Inequality Lab, the shares of income and wealth of India’s top 1% at 22.6% and 40.1% respectively is at their highest historical levels in 2022-23.
The World Inequality Lab (WIL) is a research center at the Paris School of Economics.
The WIL aims to promote research on global inequality dynamics.
It works in close coordination with a large international network of researchers (over one hundred researchers covering nearly seventy countries) contributing to the database.
Key Findings:
As per the report, in the year 2022-23, top 1% income and wealth shares were at their highest ever historical levels in India: 22.6% and 40.1%.
India’s top 1% income share is among the very highest in the world, higher than even South Africa, Brazil, and the US, the paper said. The wealth share of the top 1% was lesser in India than in two of these countries: South Africa and Brazil.
The paper also highlights the levels of disparity among different income groups.
According to the paper, the top 1% holds an average of Rs 5.4 crore in wealth, 40 times the average Indian.
However, the bottom 50% and the middle 40% hold Rs 1.7 lakh (0.1 times national average) and Rs 9.6 lakh (0.7 times national average) respectively.
At the very top of the distribution, the wealthiest ∼ 10,000 individuals out of 92 million Indian adults own an average of Rs 2,260 crore in wealth, 16,763 times the average Indian.
Key recommendations:
The paper has used multiple sources to build its income and wealth inequality estimates.
India does not have official income estimates and survey based official statistics on wealth.
The paper recommends multiple policy measures to address the problem of inequality in India.
They include restructuring of the tax code to account for both income and wealth, and broad-based public investments in health, education and nutrition.
The report said a “super tax” of 2% on the net wealth of the 167 wealthiest families in 2022-23 would yield 0.5% of national income in revenues.
It would also create valuable fiscal space to facilitate such investments, besides serving as a tool to fight inequality.
Address : 506, 3rd EYE THREE (III), Opp. Induben Khakhrawala, Girish Cold Drink Cross Road, CG Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380009.
Mobile : 8469231587 / 9586028957
Telephone : 079-40098991
E-mail: dics.upsc@gmail.com
Address: A-306, The Landmark, Urjanagar-1, Opp. Spicy Street, Kudasan – Por Road, Kudasan, Gandhinagar – 382421
Mobile : 9723832444 / 9723932444
E-mail: dics.gnagar@gmail.com
Address: 2nd Floor, 9 Shivali Society, L&T Circle, opp. Ratri Bazar, Karelibaugh, Vadodara, 390018
Mobile : 9725692037 / 9725692054
E-mail: dics.vadodara@gmail.com
Address: 403, Raj Victoria, Opp. Pal Walkway, Near Galaxy Circle, Pal, Surat-394510
Mobile : 8401031583 / 8401031587
E-mail: dics.surat@gmail.com
Address: 303,305 K 158 Complex Above Magson, Sindhubhavan Road Ahmedabad-380059
Mobile : 9974751177 / 8969231587
E-mail: dicssbr@gmail.com
Address: 57/17, 2nd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar Market, Bada Bazaar Marg, Delhi-60
Mobile : 9104830862 / 9104830865
E-mail: dics.newdelhi@gmail.com