(Head Office)Address : 506, 3rd EYE THREE (III), Opp. Induben Khakhrawala, Girish Cold Drink Cross Road, CG Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380009.
Mobile : 8469231587 / 9586028957
Telephone : 079-40098991
E-mail: dics.upsc@gmail.com
Context: HelpAge India recently released a report titled ‘Ageing in India: Exploring Preparedness & Response to Care Challenges’ to commemorate ‘World Elder Abuse Awareness Day’ on June 15. Census 2011: India has 104 million elderly (60+ years), constituting 8.6% of the total population.
• The report revealed that nearly 65% of elders are financially insecure with their current income.
• Around 40% of illiterate elderly reported no access to income sources (29% of literate respondents).
• One-third of elders had no income last year; among these, women (38%) are higher than men (27%).
• Only 29% reported having access to social security schemes like old-age pensions, provident funds, etc.
• Only around 15% of elderly persons reported currently working (24% of males and 7% of females). Work participation varied marginally between tier I cities (17%) and tier II cities (14%).
• Awareness of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, was quite low, with only 9% overall awareness (11% of males, 6% of females, and 6% aged 80+).
• ~52% reported facing at least one challenge related to primary or instrumental activities of daily living.
• Over half (54%) of elders suffer from two or more NCDs, such as diabetes and hypertension.
• While 79% visited government hospitals in the past year, nearly half (47%) of those above 80 lacked personal income, suggesting limited access to private facilities.
• Only 31% of elderly people have health insurance – men (33%) and women (29%).
• Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, are medical conditions that are not transmissible directly from one person to another.
• They usually last a long time and progress slowly. E.g. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), Cancers, neurological disorders (such as Alzheimer’s disease), autoimmune diseases, diabetes, etc.
• Most elderly people rely on spouses or children for care when bedridden, with a higher prevalence in Tier II cities (66%) compared to Tier I cities (57%).
• Around 29% of caregivers, particularly women (36%), reported facing physical difficulties in providing care. 7% of respondents reported experiencing elder abuse.
• 59% of elders lack access to digital devices (smartphones are the most common device).
• Digital device access dropped significantly with age, with only 26% of those over 80 having any device.
• Of those with devices, 34% used them for social media and entertainment purposes.
Address : 506, 3rd EYE THREE (III), Opp. Induben Khakhrawala, Girish Cold Drink Cross Road, CG Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380009.
Mobile : 8469231587 / 9586028957
Telephone : 079-40098991
E-mail: dics.upsc@gmail.com
Address: A-306, The Landmark, Urjanagar-1, Opp. Spicy Street, Kudasan – Por Road, Kudasan, Gandhinagar – 382421
Mobile : 9723832444 / 9723932444
E-mail: dics.gnagar@gmail.com
Address: 2nd Floor, 9 Shivali Society, L&T Circle, opp. Ratri Bazar, Karelibaugh, Vadodara, 390018
Mobile : 9725692037 / 9725692054
E-mail: dics.vadodara@gmail.com
Address: 403, Raj Victoria, Opp. Pal Walkway, Near Galaxy Circle, Pal, Surat-394510
Mobile : 8401031583 / 8401031587
E-mail: dics.surat@gmail.com
Address: 57/17, 2nd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar Market, Bada Bazaar Marg, Delhi-60
Mobile : 9104830862 / 9104830865
E-mail: dics.newdelhi@gmail.com