(Head Office)Address : 506, 3rd EYE THREE (III), Opp. Induben Khakhrawala, Girish Cold Drink Cross Road, CG Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380009.
Mobile : 8469231587 / 9586028957
Telephone : 079-40098991
E-mail: dics.upsc@gmail.com
Facts for Prelims
ATL Sarthi
News: NITI Aayog recently launched ATL Sarthi, a comprehensive self-monitoring framework to strengthen the ever-growing ecosystem of Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL).
ATL Sarthi will enable the Atal Tinkering Labs to be efficient and effective.
The initiative has four pillars ensuring the performance enhancement of ATLs through regular process improvements like
MyATL Dashboard - It is a self-reporting dashboard.
Compliance SOPs - For schools to ensure financial and non-financial compliance
Cluster-based Approach - On-ground enablement of ATLs in collaboration with relevant local authorities.
Performance-Enablement (PE) Matrix - It provides ownership to schools to analyze their performance
What are Atal Tinkering Labs?
It is an initiative to promote creativity and innovation in the minds of school children.
Under this initiative Children as young as 12 years of age gain access to technological innovation.
The concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths are taught through various tools and equipment of the like.
Financial aid of Rs. 20 lakh is given to each school.
This includes a one-time establishment cost of Rs. 10 lakh and the operation cost of Rs. 10 lakh over a period of five years.
Address : 506, 3rd EYE THREE (III), Opp. Induben Khakhrawala, Girish Cold Drink Cross Road, CG Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, 380009.
Mobile : 8469231587 / 9586028957
Telephone : 079-40098991
E-mail: dics.upsc@gmail.com
Address: A-306, The Landmark, Urjanagar-1, Opp. Spicy Street, Kudasan – Por Road, Kudasan, Gandhinagar – 382421
Mobile : 9723832444 / 9723932444
E-mail: dics.gnagar@gmail.com
Address: 2nd Floor, 9 Shivali Society, L&T Circle, opp. Ratri Bazar, Karelibaugh, Vadodara, 390018
Mobile : 9725692037 / 9725692054
E-mail: dics.vadodara@gmail.com
Address: 403, Raj Victoria, Opp. Pal Walkway, Near Galaxy Circle, Pal, Surat-394510
Mobile : 8401031583 / 8401031587
E-mail: dics.surat@gmail.com
Address: 303,305 K 158 Complex Above Magson, Sindhubhavan Road Ahmedabad-380059
Mobile : 9974751177 / 8969231587
E-mail: dicssbr@gmail.com
Address: 57/17, 2nd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar Market, Bada Bazaar Marg, Delhi-60
Mobile : 9104830862 / 9104830865
E-mail: dics.newdelhi@gmail.com