Top 50 UPSC IAS Interview Questions You Should Not Miss

Here are the top 50 questions for UPSC you should not miss.

  1. Please introduce yourself.     
  2. What are your key strengths and areas for improvement? 
  3. From whom or what was the initiation of UPSC inspired? 
  4. How has this academic journey so far influenced your career goals? 
  5. What role does media play in modern society? 
  6. Identify one government policy that has recently been announced
  7. Describe the concept of inclusive growth and also explain why it is important for India. 
  8. Now, describe some of the most important things that happened in India in the last year. 
  9. What are some of the recent changes that have happened in your home state? 
  10. What will you do if your values conflict with your professional duties? 
  11. As for you, what would you suggest to reduce corruption? 
  12. How do you see your professional obligations being inconsistent with your personal values?
  13. How does technology widen or improve the practices of governance? 
  14. What do you know about gender equality? 
  15. Do reservations in education and employment help or harm society? 
  16. Discuss some of the pros and cons of a new policy instituted in your area. 
  17. Which of the following qualities is most needed to be a civil servant? 
  18. Comment on the contribution of the youth to nation-building. 
  19. How has your hobby influenced your character? 
  20. Please do tell us, or rather, share the ranking of your district according to Swachh Sarvekshan. 
  21. How do you manage stress? 
  22. Why is the Panchayati Raj system so important? 
  23. What"s your opinion on globalization? 
  24. Describe one continuing historical event that appears to be affecting India at this time in history.     
  25. What does judicial activism mean?     
  26. What are the maladies Indian agriculture suffers from?
  27. Briefly explain the role of the Non Aligned Movement.
  28. Name a book that altered you in some way.
  29. Suggest remedies for unemployment among the youth of India. 
  30. What does secularism connote in India? 
  31. What are some major challenges to India"s health system? 
  32. Explain what "sustainable development" means.
  33. What does Indo-Pacific region mean to other countries?
  34. Propose some strategies aimed at poverty alleviation in rural areas.
  35. Outline measures for securing India"s energy needs. 
  36. Discussed below are some of the economic realities of tourism in India. 
  37. How can one fight the urban air pollution? 
  38. Discuss problems about India"s short supply of fresh water. 
  39. What responsibilities do the Comptroller and Auditor General have as part of their position?
  40. What negative view does the Indian Diaspora have for the nation?
  41. Should there be such reservations in higher education?
  42. Describe the potential of the Indian space program. 
  43. The Role of India in Global Governance? 
  44. How will food security be guaranteed? 
  45. How does globalization affect the cultural lives of Indians? 
  46. How does India bridge its rural-urban gap? 
  47. Comment on the contribution of women towards national progress. 
  48. What are the economic consequences of inflation? 
  49. How does the RTI Act benefit the citizens? 
  50. As an administrator, how would you go about prioritizing work?

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