Mpox Virus

MP ox Virus

Context: Recently, a study unveiled a novel adaptation mechanism of the MP ox virus that enhances its ability to infect humans during recent outbreaks. The name was altered from \'monkeypox\' to \'mpox\' to mitigate stigma towards monkeys and better signify the virus\'s direct infectivity in humans.


• Viral Characteristics:
o MP ox is a DNA virus belonging to the family Poxviridae, which includes large, double-stranded DNA viruses.
• Origin and Hosts:
o Initially identified in monkeys in 1958, Mpox has been found to infect humans as well.
• Transmission:
o The virus is primarily transmitted to humans from animals, particularly rodents and primates, through direct contact or contact with contaminated objects.
• Symptoms:
o In humans, Mpox infection typically presents with symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, and a distinctive rash evolving from macules to papules, vesicles, and pustules.
• Vaccination:
o Although a vaccine for Mpox exists, its availability and effectiveness are limited, underscoring the necessity for improved prevention and control strategies. 

Key Points about Mpox (Monkeypox) Outbreaks and Genomic Features 

Global Outbreaks (2022-2023)Mpox outbreak affected over 100,000 people in more than 118 countries,                            characterized by high human-tohuman transmission, including via close                                                   contact and sexual route.
WHO DeclarationWHO declared the mpox outbreak a public health
emergency, leading to coordinated global efforts to
control its spread. 
Genomic Features 
Clades and LineagesMpox genomes are divided into clades I and II; clade I
associated with higher mortality. The 2022 outbreak
involved a new lineage, clade IIb, adept at human-tohuman transmission.
Genomic AnalysisResearch identified a distinct clade I lineage linked to
human-to-human transmission, indicating recent
zoonotic spillover
Evolutionary AdaptationsMpox viruses exhibit genomic accordion through gene
duplication or deletion, adapting to different hosts and
Study Findings (Nature
Genome sequencing of the 2022 outbreak revealed
specific genomic sections influencing human-to-human
transmission, termed as the virus\'s genomic accordions.
Comparison of
Monkeypox, and
Smallpox MonkeypoxChickenpox
VirusVariola virus Monkeypox virusVaricella-zoster virus (VZV)
Severity Highly severe, often
Milder than smallpox,
rarely fatal 
StatusEradicated in 1980  Endemic in Central and
West Africa, cases
emerging elsewhere
Common childhood
illness, less common
due to vaccination
Transmission Highly contagious
through respiratory
droplets and contact
with infected lesions
Spread through contact
with infected animals,
lesions, or bodily fluids 
Highly contagious
through respiratory
droplets and contact
with lesions
Symptoms Fever, headache,
severe fatigue,
vomiting, followed
by a deep-seated,
pus-filled rash
Fever, headache, swollen
lymph nodes, followed
by a rash that progresses
through stages
Fever, fatigue, loss
of appetite, followed
by an itchy, fluidfilled rash
VaccinationNo longer needed Not routinely
recommended, may be
given to high-risk
Routine vaccination
for children and
adults who haven\'t
had chickenpox



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